3DMark Advanced Edition GPU benchmark test

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Join hundreds of thousands of gamers and overclockers who rely on 3DMark Advanced Edition for benchmarks and performance tests. Upgrade now and unlock all the benchmarks, tests, features, and settings in 3DMark Advanced Edition.

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3DMark Time Spy Extreme

Time Spy Extreme

DirectX 12 benchmark in 4K for high-end graphics cards and new processors with 8 or more cores.

3DMark Port Royal

Port Royal

Benchmark graphics performance with a mix of traditional rendering and real-time ray tracing.

3DMark Fire Strike Ultra

Fire Strike Ultra

Can your PC handle 4K gaming? Fire Strike Ultra is a DirectX 11 benchmark for high-end PCs.

3DMark Fire Strike Extreme

Fire Strike Extreme

Fire Strike Extreme is a DirectX 11 benchmark for high-end desktop gaming PCs.

3DMark Wild Life Extreme Benchmark

Wild Life Extreme

Compare the GPU performance of Windows notebooks with Apple Mac computers with the M1 chip.

3DMark Wild Life Benchmark

Wild Life

Compare the GPU performance of lightweight notebooks with the latest Android and Apple devices.

3DMark CPU Profile benchmarks

CPU Profile

See how the performance of your CPU scales with the number of cores and threads used.

3DMark DirectX Raytracing feature test

DirectX Raytracing test

Measure and compare the pure ray-tracing performance of the latest graphics cards.

3DMark Mesh Shader feature test

Mesh Shader test

Test mesh shader performance and see how mesh shaders can boost game frame rates.

3DMark PCI Express feature test

PCI Express test

Measure the bandwidth available to your GPU with the PCI Express feature test.

3DMark Sampler Feedback feature test

Sampler Feedback test

See how sampler feedback can improve game performance and boost frame rates.

3DMark VRS feature test

VRS test

Test Variable-Rate Shading performance and image quality with Tier 1 and Tier 2 VRS.

3DMark NVIDIA DLSS feature test


Test and compare performance and image quality with NVIDIA Deep Learning Super Sampling.

3DMark Stress Tests

Stress Tests

Check the stability and cooling performance of your system with 3DMark Stress Tests.

3DMark Advanced Edition is for personal home use only. Business and commercial users should purchase 3DMark Professional Edition. Please contact us for details.