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3DMark Windows update fixes hardware monitoring

December 10, 2013

We've released an update for the Windows desktop version of 3DMark. The Steam version updates automatically; the standalone will prompt you to install the update when you next run the program.

This update fixes and improves hardware detection and monitoring. Running 3DMark Advanced or Professional Edition with compatible hardware will again generate an interactive graph of CPU and GPU clock speeds and temperatures recorded during the tests. 

We've also added the Ice Storm Unlimited test for benchmarking Windows 8 tablets and other mobile devices. You can compare Ice Storm scores with the latest Android and iOS devices.  

What's new in 3DMark Windows v1.2.250


  • Adds Ice Storm Unlimited test for comparing Windows 8 tablets with the latest Android and iOS devices.


  • 3DMark now uses technology provided by TechPowerUp for improved GPU hardware detection.


  • Hardware monitoring performance graphs show clock speeds and temperatures for the CPU and GPU again (with compatible hardware in 3DMark Advanced and Professional Editions only).

Download 3DMark

From Futuremark or Steam.



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