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Shattered Horizon’s Free "Moonrise" Content Pack Out Now

February 16, 2010

Shattered Horizon’s Free "Moonrise" Content Pack Out Now

New trailer shows off new levels in Futuremark Games Studio’s zero gravity shooter

HELSINKI, FINLAND – February 16, 2010 – Futuremark® Games Studio today released Moonrise, the first content pack for Shattered Horizon™, their PC exclusive multiplayer first-person shooter. Moonrise adds four new levels to Shattered Horizon and is free for all players. The studio has created a new trailer showing the locations in the Moonrise pack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElJ9Ws1li-g&fmt=22

"Shattered Horizon's space setting allows us to create stunning environments unlike anything you will find in other FPS games," said Jaakko Haapasalo, producer at Futuremark Games Studio. "The free Moonrise pack doubles the number of levels in the game with each one offering a different zero gravity combat experience."

In Shattered Horizon, a catastrophic explosion on the Moon has filled near-Earth space with billions of tons of rocky debris. Teams of players fight in zero gravity to control the limited supplies that mean the difference between survival and death in the cold of space. The Moonrise content pack includes four new levels set around the shattered Moon, taking the fight deeper into space and showing a new side to the conflict. The levels, listed in the order they appear in the trailer, are as follows:


Screenshot: http://www.shatteredhorizon.com/media/screenshots/shattered_horizon_ss_23.jpg
The M-75 COMSAT microwave communication dish kept transmitting throughout the massive destruction on the Moon, its systems failing only after backup battery power was depleted. The logs contain classified information of MMC operations that must not fall in ISA's hands.


Screenshot: http://www.shatteredhorizon.com/media/screenshots/shattered_horizon_ss_21.jpg
Built in 2041, the Ten Star Hotel was a symbol of the wealth amassed by the oligarchs of the Moon mining business. A layer of golden radiation shielding covers what used to be the tower's upper structure. The opportunistic crew of an ISA scouting mission decide to collect some souvenirs - only to run into MMC scavengers already looting the ruins.


Screenshot: http://www.shatteredhorizon.com/media/screenshots/shattered_horizon_ss_19.jpg
MINOTAUR, an MMC orbital recovery vehicle survived the Moon catastrophe unscathed. Too valuable to risk in combat, it performs salvage and recovery missions behind the front lines. The ISA sets up operation Theseus to lure the ship into an obstructed space and knock it out.


Screenshot: http://www.shatteredhorizon.com/media/screenshots/shattered_horizon_ss_24.jpg
Mass driver transportation was the key to commercial logistics between the Moon and Earth. As the conflict in space escalates, these massive electromagnetic guns are now a threat looming in the orbit. If the ISA can secure all the intact mass drivers near the Moon, the balance of power will shift dramatically.

Players and game hosting companies can get the new dedicated server files that include settings for the Moonrise levels from the Shattered Horizon website or from Steam.

About Shattered Horizon

Shattered Horizon is the innovative first game from Futuremark Games Studio that immerses you in the cold reality of zero gravity combat in space.

  • Multiplayer first-person shooter set in near-Earth space 40 years from now.
  • Experience intense zero gravity combat and complete freedom of movement. Use your rocket pack to fly freely through space then land on any surface.
  • Join your friends in action-packed 32 player battles fighting across eight space based levels from hollowed-out asteroids to the ruined remains of the International Space Station.

Shattered Horizon requires DirectX 10, a DirectX 10 compatible video card, and Windows Vista or Windows 7. There is no support for Windows XP or DirectX 9. Suggested retail price: €19.95 / $19.95 / £14.95

Shattered Horizon is available now from Steam and the official website: http://www.shatteredhorizon.com/buynow/

Keywords and Suggested Tags

Shattered Horizon, Futuremark Games Studio, Moonrise, DLC, first-person shooter, FPS, zero gravity, multiplayer, PC, video game, DirectX10, Windows 7, NVIDIA TWIMTBP, update

About Futuremark® Games Studio

Futuremark® Games Studio, wholly owned by Futuremark® Games Studio, wholly owned by Futuremark® Corporation, was formed in January 2008 to create original games with new and entertaining gameplay. Shattered Horizon™ is the studio’s first self-published game. Shattered Horizon is rated Teen by the ESRB and 16 by PEGI. The game carries the NVIDIA®: The Way It's Meant To Be Played™ seal. Futuremark is based in Helsinki, Finland and maintains a sales office in Saratoga, California. For more information, please visit http://www.futuremark.com.

© 2010 Futuremark® Corporation. Shattered Horizon™ and Futuremark® Games Studio trademarks and logos, Futuremark character names and distinctive likenesses, are the exclusive property of Futuremark Corporation. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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Email: jukka@futuremark.com

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Phone: +1 408 517 0910 (PST)
Email: ollie@futuremark.com



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