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Unstoppable Gorg™ - Release Date, Price and a New Platform Announced For Orbital Tower Defense Game

January 16, 2012

Unstoppable Gorg™ - Release Date, Price and a New Platform Announced For Orbital Tower Defense Game

HELSINKI, FINLAND - JANUARY 16, 2012 – Get ready to experience a revolution in tower defense later this week when Futuremark® Games Studio releases Unstoppable Gorg™, a revolutionary new tower defense game that challenges you to defend the solar system from fearsome aliens by sending satellites into orbit. Unlike other tower defense games, in Unstoppable Gorg you can move your towers by rotating the orbits that surround planets, moons and space stations.

Today, Futuremark Games Studio revealed that in addition to the previously announced versions for PC, XBLA and iPad, Unstoppable Gorg will also be released for Apple Mac computers. Unstoppable Gorg will launch as a Steam Play title on Steam meaning the game can be bought once, and then played on both Mac and PC.

Release dates, platforms and prices

Windows PC and Apple Mac

To be released on Steam Thursday January 19, 2012
$9.99 (Steam Play - buy once, play on either PC or Mac)

Apple iPad

To be released on the App Store Thursday January 19, 2012

Xbox LIVE Arcade

To be released in the first half of 2012.
Price TBA

Unstoppable Gorg is a lovingly crafted homage to vintage sci-fi films from the 1950s. Flying saucers, rubbery aliens, dodgy effects, it's got them all. The game's story scenes were shot on film using models, miniatures and live action actors and then edited together with genuine archive footage to create a classic sci-fi experience that is out of this world.

Latest trailer


Follow Unstoppable Gorg on Facebook for behind the scenes footage and photos, dev diaries, giveaways and more. http://www.facebook.com/unstoppablegorg/

Futuremark Games Studio

Futuremark® Games Studio was formed in January 2008 to create original games with new and entertaining gameplay. The independent studio's releases include Hungribles™, a skill shot puzzle game for iPhone® and iPad® and Shattered Horizon™, a zero gravity FPS for PC. The studio is currently developing Unstoppable Gorg™ for PC, Xbox LIVE® Arcade and iPad® and has one further unannounced title in development. Futuremark has offices in Saratoga, California and Helsinki, Finland. http://www.futuremark.com/games/


Jaakko Haapasalo, Director
Futuremark Games Studio
Telephone: +358 20 759 8250 (GMT+2)
Email: jhaapasa at futuremark dot com

© 2012 Futuremark® Corporation. Futuremark® Games Studio, Unstoppable Gorg™, Hungribles™ and Shattered Horizon™ trademarks and logos, character names and distinctive likenesses, are the exclusive property of Futuremark Corporation. Xbox 360 and Xbox Live, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Apple and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.




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