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Futuremark Begins Development of VR Benchmark

June 10, 2015

VRMark - The Virtual Reality Benchmark logo

There are already more than a dozen different head-mounted displays for VR at various stages of completion. Analysts forecast that VR will reach 10.8 million users by the end of 2016. But delivering a great VR experience relies on overcoming significant performance challenges.

Today we're announcing VRMark™, a VR benchmark that uses a combination of software and hardware to measure VR system performance, latency, and accuracy, the key components in creating convincing and comfortable VR experiences.

Designed primarily for manufacturers, analysts and press, VRMark tests a system's ability to deliver high quality virtual reality experiences for a range of content types from photos and video to games and simulations. 

With development under way, we're inviting VR system manufacturers to join our Benchmark Development Program™. BDP members will have exclusive access to VRMark™ throughout its development, gaining a deep understanding of its workloads, right down to the source code. Using a development process that's been government-vetted for neutrality, members can provide input at every stage from specification to public release. Companies creating VR hardware and software, and others with an interest in VR system performance, are invited to apply for VRMark BDP membership today.  

VRMark will test a VR system's ability to deliver a consistently high frame rate across a range of quality settings and content types. VR is highly sensitive to variations in frame rate. A smooth and stable frame rate is crucial to providing a comfortable VR experience. 

In addition, VRMark will measure frame latency and the responsiveness and accuracy of the sensors present in the headset. Low latency is a key factor in achieving the feeling of presence in a VR world and avoiding motion sickness.

VRMark is our first major product announcement since we joined forces with UL. Combining the expertise of both companies, we will additionally offer professional lab-based VR testing with precision instruments and verification of performance claims to manufacturers and other customers.

Sajeev Jesudas, President of the Consumer Business Unit at UL says,

"UL believes that the blossoming VR industry will greatly benefit from a dedicated VR benchmark developed by a neutral 3rd party. VRMark is the first component of a comprehensive VR offering from UL that will also include the development of new standards and certification programs to protect the health, safety and well-being of VR users."

Futuremark's Benchmark Development Program is an initiative for building partnerships with leading hardware and technology manufacturers. The VRMark Benchmark Development Program will complement Futuremark's existing 3DMark and PCMark programs, which count AMD, Intel, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Samsung and other leading technology companies as members.

Companies interested in joining Futuremark's VRMark Benchmark Development Program should call Jani Joki on +358-20 759 8250 (UTC +3) or email bdp@futuremark.com. Further information can be found on the Benchmark Development Program page.  

Visit our VRMark page for more information and the latest news:



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