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Futuremark Joins Virtual Reality Finland

December 2, 2015

We're excited to announce that Futuremark has joined Virtual Reality Finland, an association whose members work together to support and promote VR and AR technology development and deployment in Finland. 

Virtual Reality Finland connects companies and individuals in Finland's fast growing VR ecosystem. We will share our expertise in understanding how the performance capabilities of VR systems affect content creation.

Finland has a unique innovation culture that encourages sharing and community. New methods, solutions and lessons learned are shared openly and freely through the country's many active communities, networks and associations. 

This collaborative culture has made our small country a world leader in the development of mobile apps and games. And it puts Finnish companies in an ideal position to drive the revolution in how we interact with the world and each other through VR. 

Kari Peltola, Chairman of Virtual Reality Finland, says,

"Virtual Reality Finland connects people who are passionate about VR. That's why I am thrilled to welcome Futuremark as our first corporate member. Futuremark's pioneering work into benchmarking the performance and capabilities of VR systems will help all our members address the technical challenges of creating compelling VR experiences."

We're excited to join Virtual Reality Finland, and we support its goal of sharing and promoting amazing VR experiences and technology created in Finland. VRMark, our VR benchmark for measuring the performance, latency, and accuracy of VR systems, is in development. Check back soon for more VR announcements.

Find out more about Virtual Reality Finland at http://www.vrfinland.fi/



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