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How does Android 8.0 affect everyday performance?

September 7, 2017

PCMark for Android benchmark for smart phones and tablets

Google has started rolling out Android 8.0 to its Pixel and Nexus devices with other manufacturers expected to follow later this year.

According to Google, Android 8.0 is, "Smarter, faster, more powerful and sweeter than ever," but will you notice the difference when using your favorite apps?

Android OS updates can make wide-reaching changes that affect the whole device. People assume that an OS update will mean better performance too, but we have seen that this is not always the case.

By using a benchmark based on real-world tasks, you can see the areas where an OS update has the biggest impact. PCMark for Android benchmarking app can help you see how device performance changes with Android 8.0.

How to rank and compare the best Android 8.0 devices 

It is easy to find the best smartphones and tablets with PCMark for Android. The in-app Best Devices list ranks over 1000 of the latest devices by average benchmark score.

By default, the list shows scores from devices with the same Android OS version as your own device. To see the list of best Android 8.0 devices follow these simple steps:

PCMark for Android Best Device List for Android 8.0

  1. Swipe left to the Best Devices screen.
  2. Tap the FILTERS button.
  3. Choose a benchmark test.
  4. Choose Android 8.x.

Compare device performance across Android OS versions

PCMark for Android makes it easy to see how Android OS updates affect your phone's performance.

  1. Swipe left to the Best Devices screen.
  2. Tap the FILTERS button.
  3. Use the Search box to find your device.
  4. Tap on your device to open the Device Details view. Landscape mode works best.
  5. Scroll down, then select a benchmark test and Android version to compare scores.

PCMark for Android comparing smartphone performane across Android OS versions

Comparing Google Pixel performance with Android 7.0 and Android 8.0 in PCMark for Android.

PCMark for Android benchmark tests are based on everyday activities such as web browsing, video and photo editing, writing and data manipulation. Use the test scores to see how your device's performance in these areas changes across Android versions. Higher scores, shaded green, indicate improved performance. 


PCMark for Android is a free benchmark app available from Google Play.

Download PCMark for Android benchmark from Google Play



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