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New ray tracing benchmark coming to 3DMark in January 2019

November 29, 2018

3DMark for Windows

Introducing 3DMark Port Royal, DirectX Raytracing benchmark

We're thrilled to announce that our new ray tracing benchmark will be coming to 3DMark in January 2019.

3DMark Port Royal is the world’s first dedicated real-time ray tracing benchmark for gamers. You can use Port Royal to test and compare the real-time ray tracing performance of any graphics card that supports Microsoft DirectX Raytracing.

3DMark Port Royal ray tracing benchmark screenshot

Real-time ray tracing promises to bring new levels of realism to in-game graphics. Port Royal uses DirectX Raytracing to enhance reflections, shadows, and other effects that are difficult to achieve with traditional rendering techniques.

3DMark Port Royal ray tracing benchmark screenshot

As well as benchmarking performance, 3DMark Port Royal is a realistic and practical example of what to expect from ray tracing in upcoming games— ray tracing effects running in real-time at reasonable frame rates at 2560 × 1440 resolution.

3DMark Port Royal ray tracing benchmark screenshot

3DMark Port Royal was developed with input from AMD, Intel, NVIDIA, and other leading technology companies. We worked especially closely with Microsoft to create a first-class implementation of the DirectX Raytracing API.

Port Royal will run on any graphics card with drivers that support DirectX Raytracing. As with any new technology, there are limited options for early adopters, but more cards are expected to get DirectX Raytracing support in 2019.

GALAX GOC 2018 overclocking contest banner

See 3DMark Port Royal at GALAX GOC Grand Final on December 8

GALAX GOC is an annual contest that sees the world's best overclockers competing live on stage. Now in its tenth year, GOC is a showcase of overclocking skill and technique. This year, contestants will be competing to achieve the highest score for real-time ray tracing in 3DMark Port Royal, setting the bar for others to beat when the benchmark is released to the public in January 2019.

Alex Lam, CEO of GALAX says,

“This year marks the 10th anniversary of GOC, and we are pleased to have UL as one of our event partners once again. We can't wait to see how state-of-the-art GALAX hardware, such as the GALAX GeForce RTX 2080 Ti HOF, performs in 3DMark Port Royal.”

GALAX GOC will take place on December 8 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Find out more on the official website or follow the competition on Facebook.

3DMark Port Royal ray tracing benchmark screenshot

Coming to 3DMark in January 2019

Port Royal will be coming to 3DMark in January 2019. We will be announcing more details, including the release date and pricing, at the GALAX GOC event on December 8.



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