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PCMark 10 v1.0.1403 update released

November 13, 2017

Today we released a minor update for PCMark 10 that improves the PDF result report feature and fixes a few minor bugs. Benchmarks scores are not affected.


  • SystemInfo module updated to 5.3.629 for improved compatibility with the latest hardware.


  • Fixed an issue with the Web Browsing video workload not starting in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue with the Web Browsing workload not starting when running on a proxy server.
  • Improved logging for the App Start-up, Spreadsheets, Writing, and Web Browsing workloads.

Professional Edition only

  • You can now customize the PDF result report with your own logo. 
  • Added hardware monitoring graphs to the PDF result report.
  • Subscores from PCMark 10 Extended benchmark runs are now included in PDF and XML result reports.
  • Fixed the "--clean-temporary-files" command line option.
  • Added a new command line setting "tempdir" for overriding the default location for the workloads' temporary files.

How to get the latest version

To update to the latest version, open PCMark 10 and follow the prompts on the Home screen. If you bought or downloaded PCMark 10 from Steam you will get the latest updates automatically.



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