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New languages for 3DMark and an improved Storage Benchmark result screen

December 10, 2021

Our new 3DMark Storage Benchmark DLC extends 3DMark with a dedicated test for measuring the gaming performance of SSDs, hybrid drives, and other storage devices.

In this update, we’ve made several improvements to the Storage Benchmark result screen based on feedback we’ve received from our users.

Now that we have many thousands of results, we can show you how your benchmark score compares with results from other devices. This helps you answer the question, “How good is my storage device?” by giving some context to your score.

A score of 1800-2500 is typical for a modern, consumer-grade SSD. A score of 2500-3000 is very good, and any score over 3000 is great. Many of the highest scores over 5,000 come from Intel Optane drives that are not available as consumer models.

You’ll see a chart on the Storage Benchmark result screen that shows the distribution of scores from all other storage devices. See how your score compares with the average and best scores from other 3DMark users to see if it is worth upgrading your SSD.

Chart shoing how your 3DMark Storage Benchmark score compares with average and best scores from other people with the same device.

  • Your score is shown in green.
  • The average score of all valid benchmark results from all devices is shown in blue.
  • The best score is the highest valid benchmark score from all devices.

With some devices, performance depends on the firmware. To help you make fair comparisons, the result screen now shows the firmware version below the device’s model name.

3DMark Storage Benchmark result shows the score, the device name, and the firmware version.

The 3DMark Storage Benchmark measures the gaming performance of your SSD with tests based on loading, saving, installing, and recording a selection of popular games. Each test uses storage operations recorded from popular, modern games to give you accurate, real-world results.

The Storage Benchmark now gives you a more detailed breakdown of your results. The updated result screen shows the average bandwidth and average access time for each test in the benchmark so you can better understand how your SSD performs with different gaming tasks.

3DMark Storage Benchmark result shows you the average bandwidth and average access time for each part of the test.

Please read our 3DMark release notes for more details

New languages

This update adds support for using 3DMark in Portuguese (Brazil) and Polish. You can change the language setting on the Options screen.

3DMark is now available in 10 languages!

  • English
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Russian
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Traditional Chinese

Start testing SSD performance today

3DMark Advanced Edition

The 3DMark Storage Benchmark DLC, purchased separately, extends 3DMark with a dedicated test for benchmarking your SSD. The Storage Benchmark DLC is available now for USD $2.99 on Steam and the UL Benchmarks website.

3DMark Professional Edition

The 3DMark Storage Benchmark is available as a free update for 3DMark Professional Edition customers with a valid annual license.



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