Download product installer
To download this benchmark, please enter your license key.
For 3DMark, if you have multiple license keys, please use the key starting with 3DM-ICF.
or to download UL Procyon, please add your license key file.
If you are not sure what your benchmark license key is, please see the steps below.
If you already have a account
You can find your existing 3DMark licenses by signing in at
If you do not have a account, and you purchased a license from the Futuremark store or the UL Solutions Benchmarks store
You can recover your license at
If you have a Professional Edition license key
Please contact
If you own the Steam version of 3DMark, PCMark 10, or VRMark, and would like to download the standalone version
Please see this user guide article: How do I find my license key in the Steam version of the benchmark?
If you need assistance, please contact Support