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Futuremark privacy policy update

November 22, 2013

We use cookies to improve your experience when using our website. Some of these cookies are essential, for example our results service, online store and community forums would not work correctly without them. Other cookies help us remember your settings and preferences when you return to the site.

We use cookies to collect anonymous session data that help us improve the design and usability of our services. Depending on the pages you visit you may also receive third party cookies from embedded content from YouTube, Google Maps, Facebook, Twitter and GetSatisfaction.

In the coming weeks, we plan to remove all third party banner advertising from our website. After this happens, you will not receive third party advertising tracking cookies while using our site. 

You can disable cookies from within your browser's settings, however, please be aware that many parts of our site will not function properly if you set your browser to block all cookies.

To comply with EU law, a cookie notice appears at the bottom of the screen when you visit our website. It disappears automatically after a few seconds, but if you are fine with using cookies, and you don't want to see the notice again, simply click the "Don't show again" button.

Please read the complete Futuremark Privacy Policy for more information on our use of cookies.
